The NYC delegation arrived on a red-eye flight from a stormy Miami early this morning. The delegation, assembled by the Bolivian embassy in NYC based on submitted applications, is an extremely diverse group, including grassroots housing activists, union representatives, media … Continue reading “Arrival”
Archives: Periscope Articles
Periscope articles and content
Inaugural Ceremony for the Conference
Ashley DawsonWe arrive in the stadium of the University of Univalle at 8am, walking through a gauntlet of military police, naval police, army officers, cobra special SWAT troops, etc. The bleachers are sparsely populated by Bolivians with their union banners hanging … Continue reading “Inaugural Ceremony for the Conference”
Evo Morales's Speech at the Inaugural Ceremony
Ashley DawsonPachamama o muerte! For the planet or for death!I salute the social movements, unions, government representatives, and many people who have come to Bolivia, the heart of the Americas, to participate in this conference in the defense of pachamama. Copenhagen … Continue reading “Evo Morales's Speech at the Inaugural Ceremony”
Action Strategies Working Group, Part 1
Ashley DawsonWorking groups started this morning. As I said in my last post, we missed some of the discussions because of registration. So, I’m picking up halfway through the day of discussions over Action Strategies to deal with the climate crisis. … Continue reading “Action Strategies Working Group, Part 1”
Analysis of Day 1
Ashley DawsonMany of the pronouncements and plans advanced during the Action Strategies Working Group on day one were important, perhaps even essential, but did not strike me as particular original. The need for better networking and better education around climate change, … Continue reading “Analysis of Day 1”
The Science of Climate Change Panel
Ashley DawsonJames Hansen: This is a time pregnant with danger. This danger exists because of a large gap between what the science has made clear and what the public realizes.It has become clear from the science that we are in a … Continue reading “The Science of Climate Change Panel”
Analysis of Day 2
Ashley DawsonPachamama o muerte! (Mother Earth or Death) Evo’s rallying cry at the beginning and end of his speech confirmed everything that I’d hoped to find in Bolivia. Here is a leader who really understands the stakes of the epic struggle … Continue reading “Analysis of Day 2”
Panel on the Rights of Mother Earth
Ashley DawsonGreetings from the Postmaster General of Bolivia. The Bolivian postal service is issuing two stamps that illustrate the impact of global warming in our country: an image of a glacier from the Bolivian Andes that only 10 years ago … Continue reading “Panel on the Rights of Mother Earth”
Unions and Green Jobs Panel
Ashley DawsonJonathan Neele: I speak for an alliance of 6 labor unions in the UK ( We have a campaign for 1 million green jobs in the UK. But I want to join with all of you in this campaign, because … Continue reading “Unions and Green Jobs Panel”
Analysis of Day 3
Ashley DawsonI have the feeling that a lot is going on behind the scenes. Day three featured a mix of panels with expert testimony and reports by Working Groups. I’ll talk first about the latter. I attended presentations for the working … Continue reading “Analysis of Day 3”
The Cochabamba Water Wars: An Interview with Oscar Olivera
Ashley DawsonOscar Olivera (OO) is a trade unionist and leader of the famous water wars which unfolded in Cochabamba in 2000 following the privatization of the city’s water supply. The water wars, which involved shutting down Cochabamba for six months, were … Continue reading “The Cochabamba Water Wars: An Interview with Oscar Olivera”
Not Enough Coverage
Ashley DawsonI should add that there is, of course, lots and lots of media coverage here. Not enough international though. But Democracy Now!, beating mainstream coverage by a mile as usual, is covering the events. Check out their coverage here. It’s … Continue reading “Not Enough Coverage”
Cochabamba and Beyond
Ashley DawsonBefore everything else, the Cochabamba conference was remarkable for bringing together a large group of radical activists from all around the world. The social connections and sense of possibility that resulted from the exchanges that unfolded in this setting … Continue reading “Cochabamba and Beyond”
Social Text CollectiveHannah Arendt noted in 1969 that Georges Sorel’s remark in 1906 — that “the problems of violence still remain very obscure” remained true. An additional half-century has elapsed since Sorel made his observation, but his remark remains true. The … Continue reading “Introduction”
Forging Life into a Weapon
banu barguMy remarks are structured around a consideration of four images.These images will, I hope, enable us to confront the question of violence, of a specific kind of violence, by bringing it to us in its (almost) immediate actuality, in … Continue reading “Forging Life into a Weapon”