Peace Dividends

Alex Lubin

  The U.S./Israel special relationship is at once affective, geopolitically strategic, and rooted in economics.  In this essay I suggest that the neo-liberalization of the U.S. economy during the Reagan administration was tied to the formation of international free trade … Continue reading “Peace Dividends”

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Locke Down on BDS?

Robin D. G. Kelley

  Ilya Schapiro of the right-wing Cato Institute recently appeared on Chris Hayes’ show on MSNBC to defend Arizona bill SB 1062 that would have allowed merchants to refuse service to LGBTQ customers under the guise of “religious freedom.” Schapiro … Continue reading “Locke Down on BDS?”

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José Esteban Muñoz – 1967-2013

jack halberstam

Jack Halberstam commemorates the life, work, and friendship of José Esteban Muñoz on Bully Bloggers, a queer blog site featuring the collaborations of Muñoz, Halberstam, Lisa Duggan, and Tavia Nyong’o.

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For José

Ann Pellegrini

  Writing for the Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality, Ann Pellegrini offers the following words on the passing of brilliant and beloved colleague and friend, José Esteban Muñoz.

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The Fantasy of Disaster Response: Governance and Social Action During Hurricane Sandy

Max Liboiron and David Wachsmuth

  Governments make disaster plans. Between municipal, state, and federal level agencies, the amount of planning for potential disasters is enormous. But during Hurricane Sandy, plans that took several years and millions of dollars to produce were thrown out almost … Continue reading “The Fantasy of Disaster Response: Governance and Social Action During Hurricane Sandy”

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