Over the last few years, Israel and Palestine have become major topics of interest and debate for scholars who do American Studies. This is evident in burgeoning comparative analyses of settler colonialisms, militarized borders, intersections of racialization and revolutionary … Continue reading “Comparing American and Israeli Ways of War”
Archives: Periscope Articles
Periscope articles and content
Back to History and Judgment
Samera EsmeirAn important achievement of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement has been to help render the Question of Palestine more legible by releasing it from the framework of conflict resolution that has thus far dominated the peace process, the … Continue reading “Back to History and Judgment”
Peace Dividends
Alex LubinThe U.S./Israel special relationship is at once affective, geopolitically strategic, and rooted in economics. In this essay I suggest that the neo-liberalization of the U.S. economy during the Reagan administration was tied to the formation of international free trade … Continue reading “Peace Dividends”
The Efficacy of the Palestinian BDS Movement
Riham BarghoutiOn July 9, 2005, over 170 civil society organizations signed onto the Palestinian Call for boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) against Israel. The Call, grounded in a history of the use of boycott by Palestinians and inspired by the … Continue reading “The Efficacy of the Palestinian BDS Movement”
Locke Down on BDS?
Robin D. G. KelleyIlya Schapiro of the right-wing Cato Institute recently appeared on Chris Hayes’ show on MSNBC to defend Arizona bill SB 1062 that would have allowed merchants to refuse service to LGBTQ customers under the guise of “religious freedom.” Schapiro … Continue reading “Locke Down on BDS?”
Infinite Conversations
Nicholas MirzoeffStuart Hall, activist, writer, theorist and inspiration has died in London aged 81. It is not just a terrible loss. It is a time to reflect and a time to regroup. What was has gone or fallen apart. As … Continue reading “Infinite Conversations”
Twenty-First Century Man: The Urgent Legacy of Stuart Hall
Jeremy GilbertThe sad loss of Stuart Hall in February of this year provoked an entirely appropriate and deserved series of tributes and reminiscences: from those who knew him a little, from those who knew him intimately, and from those whose … Continue reading “Twenty-First Century Man: The Urgent Legacy of Stuart Hall”
Policing the Crisis
Ashley DawsonI first discovered Stuart Hall’s work through a screening of Black British filmmaker Isaac Julien’s Looking for Langston. It was 1990. I had just moved to New York from London and was in my first semester of graduate study, … Continue reading “Policing the Crisis”
Stuart Hall’s Relevance for the Study of Slavery in Biocapitalism
Alys Eve WeinbaumWhen I was invited to write in commemoration of Stuart Hall, it took only minutes to decide how to focus my meditations. I, like others, recognize Hall as the “godfather of multiculturalism,” and am grateful for his role (along … Continue reading “Stuart Hall’s Relevance for the Study of Slavery in Biocapitalism”
José Esteban Muñoz – 1967-2013
jack halberstamJack Halberstam commemorates the life, work, and friendship of José Esteban Muñoz on Bully Bloggers, a queer blog site featuring the collaborations of Muñoz, Halberstam, Lisa Duggan, and Tavia Nyong’o.
For José
Ann PellegriniWriting for the Center for the Study of Gender and Sexuality, Ann Pellegrini offers the following words on the passing of brilliant and beloved colleague and friend, José Esteban Muñoz.
How We Forgot the Sea
Ashley DawsonNew York City has nearly six hundred miles of coastline. Four of the city’s five boroughs are built on islands, and New York is linked together by a network of bridges and tunnels that soar over and plunge under … Continue reading “How We Forgot the Sea”
Beach 116, Far Rockaway
May JosephApproaching Broad Channel en route to Far Rockaway, flotillas of ducks frolic, planes take off from John F. Kennedy Airport, and in the distance, the Rockaways loom, surrounded by a placid expansive bay. It is a flawless, sunny October … Continue reading “Beach 116, Far Rockaway”
The Limits of Local
Pamela BrownWhen Sandy’s waters finally receded, they left behind the devastation of lost lives and a mountain of debris. And they also exposed how a system of historic inequity perpetuates itself in real life, real time and real suffering. A … Continue reading “The Limits of Local”
The Fantasy of Disaster Response: Governance and Social Action During Hurricane Sandy
Max Liboiron and David WachsmuthGovernments make disaster plans. Between municipal, state, and federal level agencies, the amount of planning for potential disasters is enormous. But during Hurricane Sandy, plans that took several years and millions of dollars to produce were thrown out almost … Continue reading “The Fantasy of Disaster Response: Governance and Social Action During Hurricane Sandy”