Earth Seeing

Emily Eliza Scott

  Among the most widely circulated photographs of all time is one snapped by astronauts aboard the Apollo 17 spacecraft, just hours after its launch toward the moon, in December 1972. This image, often referred to as the “Blue Marble,” … Continue reading “Earth Seeing”

| Features

Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor: An Interview with Rob Nixon

Ashley Dawson

Rob Nixon’s Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor was published this spring by Harvard University Press. Nixon’s work has been crucial to articulating the conjunction — as well as the fault lines — between postcolonial studies and ecocriticism. … Continue reading “Slow Violence and the Environmentalism of the Poor: An Interview with Rob Nixon”

| Features: Interviews


Ashley Dawson

A year and several months ago, I returned to New York from the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in Cochabamba, Bolivia. While at the conference, I live blogged events in the many different forums of the conference, and also posted short analytical essays chronicling my reaction to the various interventions unfolding at the conference. Social Text online now presents these different pieces as a unified dossier in order to preserve this important historical moment.

| Features

Resources of Hope

Ashley Dawson

Last Saturday was a remarkable day of NYC-based, globe-spanning eco-activism.  The day began with a trip up to the South Bronx, where friends of mine were involved in various local environmental justice initiatives.  The organization Sustainable South Bronx sponsored a … Continue reading “Resources of Hope”

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