The Vengeance of Unpayable Debts: Art, Activism, and Agitation in Puerto Rico and the United States

Hannah Appel and Frances Negrón-Muntaner

The following forum represents an expansion on a conversation held on April 23, 2021, moderated by Catherine Cumming, and which also included Denise Ferreira da Silva and Max Haiven. A recording of that conversation can be found here: Let … Continue reading “The Vengeance of Unpayable Debts: Art, Activism, and Agitation in Puerto Rico and the United States”

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The Art of Women’s Struggles Is the Art of Building Community and Making Alternative History

Roma Estrada, Rae Rival and Neferti X. M. Tadiar

Women across the world have borne the brunt of the pandemic. Care responsibilities, which now include teaching children, top off the long-standing problem of unpaid labor such as housework. During the lockdown, women have also been more vulnerable to domestic … Continue reading “The Art of Women’s Struggles Is the Art of Building Community and Making Alternative History”

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Writing to Resist, Writing to Remember: Lumad Youths’ Narratives in the Time of Duterte

Roda Tajon

  Writing—through poetry, essays, and stories—has become a medium for Lumad students to remember their communities: the mountains and rivers, their farms, the vast lands of their ancestral domains that they could have inherited and enriched had militarization stopped. As … Continue reading “Writing to Resist, Writing to Remember: Lumad Youths’ Narratives in the Time of Duterte”

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On Stitching Land and Peasant Women: An Interview with Yllang Montenegro

Camille Aguilar Rosas

The day before Mother’s Day, the Amihan National Federation of Peasant Women launched the #DefendPeasantWomen campaign, responding to intensifying state-inflicted violence against peasant women in the Philippines. The campaign highlights rampant human rights violations suffered by peasant women community organizers … Continue reading “On Stitching Land and Peasant Women: An Interview with Yllang Montenegro”

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Everything Flows

Alexander R. Galloway

How useless to contemplate Gilles Deleuze in plague times. Or so goes a common anti-intellectual invective. Clearly we need philosophy now more than ever. But what does Deleuze mean today? How to describe the ambient social configuration for which “Deleuze” … Continue reading “Everything Flows”

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Resilient Natures

Orit Halpern

Today, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the term new normal circulates ad nauseum throughout news outlets and social networks. This new normal is largely defined by a naturalization of precarity for some and the dramatic elevation of profit … Continue reading “Resilient Natures”

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Peer-to-Peer Subjection During COVID-19: Detention from Below and Border Abolitionism

Martina Tazzioli

With the outbreak of COVID-19, mechanisms of mass surveillance and data extraction through platform capitalism have escalated. Tracing apps, drones, and digital platforms are just a few among the many technologies that have gained center stage in the media and … Continue reading “Peer-to-Peer Subjection During COVID-19: Detention from Below and Border Abolitionism”

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