Interview between the Bruce High Quality Foundation and BHQFU’s current dean, Haley Mellin

bruce high quality foundation and Haley Mellin

  Haley Mellin: What is the Bruce High Quality Foundation? Bruce High Quality Foundation: The Bruce High Quality Foundation creates installations, videos, paintings, sculptures, performances, and institutions that reveal our collective creative agency within the seemingly monolithic forces of art … Continue reading “Interview between the Bruce High Quality Foundation and BHQFU’s current dean, Haley Mellin”

| Features

Anhoek School

mary walling blackburn

  Sputiamo su Hegel! We spit on Hegel — Carla Lonzi, Roman, of Rivolta Femminile[1]. Anhoek School is both art project and roving educational experiment. It disrespects some of its elders; it spits on Hegel (in the spirit of Rivolta … Continue reading “Anhoek School”

| Features


carla herrera-prats

  SOMA is a non-profit experimental arts organization conceived to nurture discussion and exchange in the field of contemporary art and education in Mexico City. SOMA’s mission is to provide a forum for dialog among Mexican and international artists and … Continue reading “SOMA”

| Features

Occupy University

occupy university

Occupy University (OccU) grew out of the Education and Empowerment working group of the Occupy Wall Street movement in fall 2011. Initially named Nomadic University, OccU was formed with the goal of creating a university for everyone, at which education … Continue reading “Occupy University”

| Features

The Observatory of the Bereaved: Unbinding the Imaginary in Eurasian Borderlands

madina tlostanova

In locales where the resources are scarce and the imperial-colonial configurations more complicated than in the West-East or North-South dichotomies, the politics of physical survival and the politics of servility towards the criminal state unfortunately dominate. There are no recipes … Continue reading “The Observatory of the Bereaved: Unbinding the Imaginary in Eurasian Borderlands”

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