This animated map made by Max Galka shows passenger air traffic over a year. Every small dot stands for around two thousand people. We are all probably familiar with these visualizations showing the marvel of global mobility at scale. I … Continue reading “Airport as a Bordering Process”
Tag: immigration
Eleven Theses on Civility
Tavia Nyong'o and Kyla Wazana Tompkins“When they go low, we go to war.” —Anonymous “This is a show tune, but the show hasn’t been written for it yet.” —Nina Simone 1. Incivility is anger directed at unjust civil ordering. It is a rage directed at … Continue reading “Eleven Theses on Civility”
Crossing Borders / Development of Diverse Artistic Strategies
tanja ostojic and Walter MignoloIntroduction by Walter Mignolo Tanja Ostojić? And what is decolonially aestheSis in her work? Simply, Tanja’s work unveils the logic of coloniality through the intersectionality of the European Union’s politics of migration, gender, and sexuality. When Rolando and I invited … Continue reading “Crossing Borders / Development of Diverse Artistic Strategies”
Indemnity for State Murder
monica munoz martinezIn the nineteen-teens, Concepcion García, a Mexican national, lived in Texas to attend school. In April 1919 she became ill, and attempted to return home. That same month Lt. Gulley of the U.S. Cavalry patrolled the U.S.-Mexico border. While crossing … Continue reading “Indemnity for State Murder”