Palestine Now–New Call for Submissions

Palestine Now

Edited by Maya Mikdashi, Jasbir K. Puar, and Helga Tawil-Souri

The editors of Palestine Now invite pieces on the past, present, and futures of Palestine and its expansive geographies. The question of Palestinian liberation has shaken the world and its liberal institutions, from international law to nation-state governance to south-south alliances. We are interested in work that unearths the sublimated place of Palestine in unexpected geographies and histories and centers Palestine, Palestinians, and Palestinian writers, artists, and thinkers.

Submission guidelines

Essays should be 3,000 words or fewer. (This is a hard limit, and essays that exceed this length will not be reviewed.) We use links instead of endnotes for our website; authors may adjust their citations accordingly before submission or, if preferred, upon acceptance. Please send submissions as Word attachments to managingeditor.socialtext[at] Essays will be reviewed in roughly two months’ time, and accepted essays will be published in spring, summer, and early fall 2025.

Note that longer essays about Palestine (of 3000-8000 words) may be submitted to the academic journal.

Social Text Collective

The Social Text Collective began in 1979.