
Sinan Antoon

From “The Book of Genocide” Behold Gaza Angels of death appear in skies and on screens Leaflets dropping down like dead birds: “Arise and flee into Egypt and stay there forever Herod will seek every Palestinian child and destroy them.” … Continue reading “Gazacide”

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Palestine Is Today’s Vietnam

Evyn Lê Espiritu Gandhi

Palestine is today’s Vietnam. Five decades ago, it was Vietnam’s anti-colonial struggle for independence—first against the French colonists and then against the US imperialists—that sparked international protest and solidarity. “Vietnam” became a synecdoche of the global Third World Liberation movement. … Continue reading “Palestine Is Today’s Vietnam”

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How Dare You?

Paromita Vohra

“How dare you?” These are almost the last words my friend Surekha said to me, in a text message. I had LOL’d. She said, “I’ll see you soon dude.” She had just moved to Bombay, from Delhi. That was on … Continue reading “How Dare You?”

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Covid and Civil Solidarity

Ajay Gudavarthy

Civil solidarity, a necessary precondition for democratic systems, remains a governing mode for political formations seeking a hegemonic position within democracies. Civil solidarity is marked by claims to an inclusive, normative-universal idea of “we-ness.” As cultural sociologist Jeffrey C. Alexander … Continue reading “Covid and Civil Solidarity”

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The Memory Keepers

Banu Subramaniam

Image: Leela Venugopal, We All Wait for the Rain   Drip, drip, drip. This is life now. The eerie stillness. The bottomless sorrow. The paralyzing numbness. The quiet acceptance. Time stills, life slows. This is how it is playing out. … Continue reading “The Memory Keepers”

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