The Memory Keepers

Image: Leela Venugopal, We All Wait for the Rain   Drip, drip, drip. This is life now. The eerie stillness. The bottomless sorrow. The paralyzing numbness. The quiet acceptance. Time stills, life slows. This is how it is playing out. … Continue reading “The Memory Keepers”

Cooperative Nature

In his essay “Of Cannibals” (1580), Michel de Montaigne wrote of the recently discovered inhabitants of the so-called New World, “the laws of nature govern them still […] it is a nation wherein there is no manner of traffic, no knowledge … Continue reading “Cooperative Nature”

Radical Geography: Historical Limits and Future Possibilities in the Context of Indigenous Resurgence

Geography is a discipline defined by its conceptualization of, and attention to, space and place. Much like other modes of inquiry that have historically emerged from Euro-American perspectives, geography has mobilized reductive conceptualizations of space and place in material projects … Continue reading “Radical Geography: Historical Limits and Future Possibilities in the Context of Indigenous Resurgence”

The Vengeance of Unpayable Debts: Art, Activism, and Agitation in Puerto Rico and the United States

The following forum represents an expansion on a conversation held on April 23, 2021, moderated by Catherine Cumming, and which also included Denise Ferreira da Silva and Max Haiven. A recording of that conversation can be found here: Let … Continue reading “The Vengeance of Unpayable Debts: Art, Activism, and Agitation in Puerto Rico and the United States”

The Politics of Aesthetics in Anticolonial Thought: A Review of Ricanness: Enduring Time in Anticolonial Performance by Sandra Ruiz

Frankfurt School philosopher Herbert Marcuse observes that “Art breaks open a dimension inaccessible to other experience, a dimension in which human beings, nature, and things no longer stand under the law of the established reality principle” (72). This, in short, … Continue reading “The Politics of Aesthetics in Anticolonial Thought: A Review of Ricanness: Enduring Time in Anticolonial Performance by Sandra Ruiz”