Online Features

Rekindling the Radical Imagination

Social Text Collective

Each spring in New York City, Left Forum gathers intellectuals and activists from around the world to address the burning issues of our times. The theme for 2010 is “The Center Cannot Hold: Rekindling the Radical Imagination.” Find out more information, propose a panel, or register for the forum here.

| Features

Seeing Haiti

Tariq Jazeel

There’s so much to think about, take in, and give right now in the aftermath of the Haiti earthquake that perhaps a lone blog entry like this isn’t at all suitable.

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Digital Activism

Ashley Dawson

Activists are increasingly turning to online resources to help bring about progressive, grassroots-empowering social change. I recently learned of two interesting initiatives to build awareness of the possibilities for networked activism.

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Justice for Don Belton

Tavia Nyong'o

Don Belton, a professor of English at Indiana University, was tragically killed by an assailant who, many in his local queer community are concerned, may seek to use a variant of the notorious “gay panic” defense. They are also concerned that hateful, racist, and homophobic remarks have been circulating on messaging boards under articles about Don’s murder.

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The Continuity of US Imperial Discourse

Ashley Dawson

President Obama recently gave two speeches that should be seen as signposts of contemporary U.S. empire. Their continuity with American exceptionalist rhetoric of the past is striking, underlining the extent to which Obama is trapped within the paradigms of the past.

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Eat the rich!

Ashley Dawson

New York governor David Paterson has just announced that he will be withholding $750 million in scheduled payments to schools and local governments across the state in response to the state’s fiscal problems. According to an article in the NYT

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Class war

Ashley Dawson

The Governor of New York State has called for a cut of $53 million to the City University of New York system. This comes after a $68 million cut to CUNY last year, and a 15% tuition hike for CUNY … Continue reading “Class war”

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