Interview between the Bruce High Quality Foundation and BHQFU’s current dean, Haley Mellin

bruce high quality foundation and Haley Mellin

  Haley Mellin: What is the Bruce High Quality Foundation? Bruce High Quality Foundation: The Bruce High Quality Foundation creates installations, videos, paintings, sculptures, performances, and institutions that reveal our collective creative agency within the seemingly monolithic forces of art … Continue reading “Interview between the Bruce High Quality Foundation and BHQFU’s current dean, Haley Mellin”

| Features

Anhoek School

mary walling blackburn

  Sputiamo su Hegel! We spit on Hegel — Carla Lonzi, Roman, of Rivolta Femminile[1]. Anhoek School is both art project and roving educational experiment. It disrespects some of its elders; it spits on Hegel (in the spirit of Rivolta … Continue reading “Anhoek School”

| Features

History is what the Present is made of

Michael Mandiberg

An Interview with Matthew Frye Jacobson.

Michael Mandiberg: So tell us about the Historian’s Eye project…

Matthew Frye Jacobson: This started for me back in about 2007-2008. I was trying to think about different ways of getting intellectual work out in the world, continuous with all the writing I’ve done but in a different register. Read more

| Features: Interviews

Queer Suicide: An Introduction to the Teach-In

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With so much affect percolating in the public discourse around the recent spate of gay teen suicides, what can an academic teach-in offer vis-à-vis these events? This Periscope dossier features an eclectic collection of essays, blogs, position papers, and op-eds from a multidisciplinary group of scholars zeroing in on a spectrum of issues, from gay rage and new technologies of sexuality to anti-bullying legislation. It organizes a kind of online teach-in, a portal to the multiple conversations and action happening around the country about gay teen suicide.

| Features