Palestine Is Today’s Vietnam

Evyn Lê Espiritu Gandhi

Palestine is today’s Vietnam. Five decades ago, it was Vietnam’s anti-colonial struggle for independence—first against the French colonists and then against the US imperialists—that sparked international protest and solidarity. “Vietnam” became a synecdoche of the global Third World Liberation movement. … Continue reading “Palestine Is Today’s Vietnam”

| Features

The Caribbean Radical Tradition and the Postcolonial Condition: A review of Aaron Kamugisha’s Beyond Coloniality

Therese Kaspersen Hadchity

With a two-volume anthology on Caribbean political thought, two separate anthologies on Caribbean cultural thought and popular culture (co-edited with Yanique Hume), a co-edited Paget Henry reader, and several special journal issues under his belt, Aaron Kamugisha must have felt … Continue reading “The Caribbean Radical Tradition and the Postcolonial Condition: A review of Aaron Kamugisha’s Beyond Coloniality

| Features: Reviews

Maiming Palestinian Time

Helga Tawil-Souri

Jasbir Puar’s argument in The Right to Maim of Israel’s deliberate debilitation of Palestinians—by bodily and psychological injury, social exclusion, economic stunting, and political encumberance—is a poignant one. Indeed, one simply has to turn on the news to see tens … Continue reading “Maiming Palestinian Time”

| Features

The Observatory of the Bereaved: Unbinding the Imaginary in Eurasian Borderlands

madina tlostanova

In locales where the resources are scarce and the imperial-colonial configurations more complicated than in the West-East or North-South dichotomies, the politics of physical survival and the politics of servility towards the criminal state unfortunately dominate. There are no recipes … Continue reading “The Observatory of the Bereaved: Unbinding the Imaginary in Eurasian Borderlands”

| Features