Planetary transformations are rendering that which we call the human to be in a state of crisis. Life has been decelerated in many processes of production while accelerated at the same time in the exchange of information and in digital … Continue reading “Introduction: Control Societies @ 30”
Control Societies @ 30: Technopolitical Forces and Ontologies of Difference

Ezekiel Dixon-Román curates a dossier of essays that think through Gilles Deleuze’s “Post-Script on the Societies of Control,” which first appeared in print in 1990, in relation to our current moment. With contributions from Denise Ferreira da Silva, Alexander R. Galloway, Orit Halpern, Martina Tazzioli, and Ezekiel Dixon-Román and Luciana Parisi.
The Future of Two Presents
Denise Ferreira da SilvaThe “black mirror” of the title is the one you’ll find on every wall, on every desk, in the palm of every hand: the cold, shiny screen of a TV, a monitor, a smartphone. –Charlie Brooker At first, these initial days of … Continue reading “The Future of Two Presents”
Everything Flows
Alexander R. GallowayHow useless to contemplate Gilles Deleuze in plague times. Or so goes a common anti-intellectual invective. Clearly we need philosophy now more than ever. But what does Deleuze mean today? How to describe the ambient social configuration for which “Deleuze” … Continue reading “Everything Flows”
Resilient Natures
Orit HalpernToday, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the term new normal circulates ad nauseum throughout news outlets and social networks. This new normal is largely defined by a naturalization of precarity for some and the dramatic elevation of profit … Continue reading “Resilient Natures”
Peer-to-Peer Subjection During COVID-19: Detention from Below and Border Abolitionism
Martina TazzioliWith the outbreak of COVID-19, mechanisms of mass surveillance and data extraction through platform capitalism have escalated. Tracing apps, drones, and digital platforms are just a few among the many technologies that have gained center stage in the media and … Continue reading “Peer-to-Peer Subjection During COVID-19: Detention from Below and Border Abolitionism”
Recursive Colonialism and Cosmo-Computation
Luciana Parisi and Ezekiel Dixon-RománApocalypse & Universal Epistemology The apocalypse now occurring around the world is a continuation of yet another iteration of recursive colonialism. Apocalypse is about the end of the world. It is the liminal space warded off by the self-determining subject … Continue reading “Recursive Colonialism and Cosmo-Computation”