A Debt Remembered

van truong

  “Without memory, there is no debt.  Put another way: without story, there is no debt.”   That’s how Margaret Atwood put it in her book, Payback (2008), in which she foregos the structures of finance in order to explore … Continue reading “A Debt Remembered”

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Dreamworlds of Debt

amina el-annan

  The German philosopher Ernst Bloch in his massive tome The Spirit of Utopia, devoted an entire section to what he called ” Little Daydreams”. Overflowing each page are mystical and impressionistic descriptions of phenomena like wishful thinking, social utopias, … Continue reading “Dreamworlds of Debt”

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Debt Dossier

richard dienst

It’s important to begin with a reminder of the reasons everybody is talking about debt these days. The threat of “debt crisis” hangs over the world economy. The United States “has been living beyond its means,” Greece “cannot pay its … Continue reading “Debt Dossier”

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Radical Politics in the Age of Austerity

Social Text Collective

Michael Truscello’s new documentary, Capitalism Is The Crisis: Radical Politics in the Age of Austerity, which is excerpted above, can be viewed in its entirety here. It features commentary by Chris Hedges, Michael Hardt, and many more.

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Making $58,412.10 of Student Debt Disappear into Thin Air

Social Text Collective

My student debt for a MFA from Bard College is currently $58,412.10. My attempt is to use the internet to get 100,000 people to mail the Sallie Mae corporation (who administers my loans), a check for 58 cents. And that by doing this, the collective activity of these small gestures will not only relieve my debt, but will overwhelm and flood their P.O. box in Atlanta, Georgia.

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The Free Money Movement

Social Text Collective

The Aaron Burr Society is dedicated to exposing the myths of Free Markets and Free Trade with absurdist, conceptual artwork operating in the public sphere.

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The Unemployed

Social Text Collective

  Jody Zellen is a Los Angeles based artist who works in many media simultaneously making interactive installations, net art, drawings, photographs, public art, as well as artists’ books that explore the urban environment and its representation. She employs media-generated … Continue reading “The Unemployed”

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Ashley Dawson

A year and several months ago, I returned to New York from the World People’s Conference on Climate Change and the Rights of Mother Earth in Cochabamba, Bolivia. While at the conference, I live blogged events in the many different forums of the conference, and also posted short analytical essays chronicling my reaction to the various interventions unfolding at the conference. Social Text online now presents these different pieces as a unified dossier in order to preserve this important historical moment.

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