Introduction We feminists are bearing witness to the ongoing genocide in Gaza, a continuation of more than seventy-five years of Israeli settler-colonial violence against Palestinians. More than two decades into the “War on Terror,” we want to cut against the … Continue reading “Feminists for a Free Palestine: Voices from Palestine, Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Iran, and Beyond”
Tag: decolonization
Pedagogy and Epistemics of Witness: Teaching Palestine in a Time of Genocide
Ahmed KabelI belong to the question of the victim. –Mahmoud Darwish What follows is a thread of perfunctory reflections on a course I offered in January 2024 titled Decolonizing the Study of Palestine. A course is a complex, emergent human (and … Continue reading “Pedagogy and Epistemics of Witness: Teaching Palestine in a Time of Genocide”
Palestine and Our University
Sumayya KassamaliOn Friday, November 17, 2023, a group of PhD students in the Department of Anthropology at the University of Toronto organized a teach-in entitled “Decolonization and the War on Gaza,” held during the annual AAA/CASCA meeting that was taking place … Continue reading “Palestine and Our University”
The Politics of Aesthetics in Anticolonial Thought: A Review of Ricanness: Enduring Time in Anticolonial Performance by Sandra Ruiz
John AndrewsFrankfurt School philosopher Herbert Marcuse observes that “Art breaks open a dimension inaccessible to other experience, a dimension in which human beings, nature, and things no longer stand under the law of the established reality principle” (72). This, in short, … Continue reading “The Politics of Aesthetics in Anticolonial Thought: A Review of Ricanness: Enduring Time in Anticolonial Performance by Sandra Ruiz”
A Radical Vision of Freedom
Sunaina Maira2015 was the tenth anniversary of the official launching of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement by Palestinian civil society organizations, including over 170 political parties, activist organizations, trade unions, women’s groups, and other segments of the Palestinian national movement, … Continue reading “A Radical Vision of Freedom”
BDS and Third World Internationalism
Salma MusaIn 2005, indigenous Palestinians issued the most authoritative call for international solidarity to come out of Palestine in decades. A broad coalition of unions, popular organizations, and civil society institutions representing Palestinians within the 1967 occupied territories, Palestinian citizens inside … Continue reading “BDS and Third World Internationalism”
BDS Beyond Palestine
Steven SalaitaWhen the editors of this dossier asked me to contribute, they suggested I look toward the future of BDS and think about what might await, and what should await, the movement as it moves forward. Where might its activists most … Continue reading “BDS Beyond Palestine”