Land Grabs

Ashley Dawson

Friday, December 2 Kamoji Wachiira (Kenyan-born senior fellow with the Canadian International Development Agency) presented this evening on contemporary land grabs. According to Wachiira, it is estimated that an area the size of Europe has now been grabbed in Africa … Continue reading “Land Grabs”

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Climate Finance

Ashley Dawson

Wednesday, November 30 What is Climate Finance?  The idea behind this is that the wealthy, polluting nations of the world need to pay poorer, less polluting countries – which also happen to be the ones getting it in the neck … Continue reading “Climate Finance”

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"Wherever I Bless a Microphone": Ethnographic Perspectives on Hip-Hop's Transnational Flow

joseph schloss

  Sujatha Fernandes’s Close to the Edge explores a variety of contexts in which hip-hop is practiced around the world, and draws them together with the thread of Fernandes’s personal experiences. My own work has been based on the ethnographic … Continue reading “"Wherever I Bless a Microphone": Ethnographic Perspectives on Hip-Hop's Transnational Flow”

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Social Text Collective

The financial crisis of 2008 and the subsequent “Great Recession” have often been seen as crises of debt and credit. Political economists have attempted to unravel the financial instruments — the subprime mortgages and collateralized debt obligations — at the … Continue reading “Introduction”

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