The IMF/EU imposed Greek austerity program has and will generate human rights violations in the areas of health, nutrition, education of children and youth, life expectancy, welfare of the elderly and disabled, right to shelter, right to public transport and related social safety nets. Many countries forced to follow IMF discipline experience 5-10 year decreases in adult life expectancy after the imposition of equivalent measures.
Online Features
Age of Austerity
Ashley DawsonThe news today carried tidings of another huge setback for working people in the US. The legislature in New Jersey, one of the most heavily Democratic and pro-union states in the country, has passed a bill rolling back benefits such … Continue reading “Age of Austerity”
Which Way Wisconsin? The Meaning of the Madison Movement
Anne McClintockOn arriving in Madison some years ago, I went to the huge farmers’ market that winds round the Capitol. Startled by the slow-moving procession of orderly, white shoppers all pacing in the same direction, I dubbed the market throngs “The … Continue reading “Which Way Wisconsin? The Meaning of the Madison Movement”
Greeks on the Move: Capitalism's Wreckage and the Demand for Real Democracy
Costas PanayotakisThe entire world is watching as the future of Greece, and with it that of the global economy, is hanging in the balance. As journalists and commentators worry over the prospect of a Greek sovereign default triggering a chain reaction … Continue reading “Greeks on the Move: Capitalism's Wreckage and the Demand for Real Democracy”
New Periscope Dossier on Violence
Social Text CollectiveBeginning Monday May 24th, and running serially for a week, a new dossier entitled ‘Thinking Through Violence‘ will be appearing on the Social Text website. Check back for essays by Arvind Rajagopal, Banu Bargu, Allen Feldman, Drucilla Cornell, and Mary Louise Pratt.
A Trespasser's Legacy
Balthazar BeckerWork Reviewed: Miyoshi, Masao. Trespasses: Selected Writings. Ed. Eric Cazdyn. Durham: Duke UP, 2010. xxxiii + 344 pp. No obituaries appeared in the major American newspapers when Masao Miyoshi, the author of Accomplices of Silence(1974), As We Saw Them (1979), and Off Center: Power … Continue reading “A Trespasser's Legacy”
On Public Intellectualism in the UK
Tariq JazeelThis feature in today’s The Observer newspaper on Britain’s relationship to ‘public intellectualism’ is at times illuminating, and at times frustrating in the most productive of ways. Indeed, some of my frustration with it connects directly to a theme that … Continue reading “On Public Intellectualism in the UK”
Must We Rebuild the Anthill?: A Letter to/for Japanese Comrades
George CaffentzisDear comrades, We are writing to express our solidarity with you in a time when the pain from the deaths of friends, family and comrades is still raw and the task of shaping a new kind of life out of … Continue reading “Must We Rebuild the Anthill?: A Letter to/for Japanese Comrades”
Launch Party for Social Text 106: "Interspecies"
Social Text CollectivePlease join us to toast the publication of a special issue of Social Text on Interspecies, edited by Julie Livingston and Jasbir K. Puar!
Industries of production and scientific research rely on the use of nonhuman animals and plants, remaking environments, populations, and even genetic information to suit human designs. This issue of Social Text considers the radical implications of questioning the exceptional status of humans among the planet’s species. Responding to growing interest in animal studies and posthumanism, the contributors draw on racial, feminist, queer, postcolonial, and disability theories to probe the diversity of human relationships with other forms of biosocial life. Interspecies queries the politics of traditional species taxonomy and examines the ways humans use the material characteristics of other species to pursue their economic, political, and social aims.
Season of "Arab Revolt" is also a season of "African Revolt"
Michael RalphIn the midst of revolutionary transformations sweeping the “Middle East,” be careful not to overlook a conjoined protest movement stretching across the African continent. In addition to “pro-democracy protests” in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Yemen, Oman, Bahrain, Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya, … Continue reading “Season of "Arab Revolt" is also a season of "African Revolt"”
Democracy in America… and Wisconsin
Russ CastronovoFull disclosure: I wrote this on my office computer and I sent it to Social Text Online via my university email. To give fair warning, I use “recall,” “protest,” and other words that the Republican Party of Wisconsin latched … Continue reading “Democracy in America… and Wisconsin”
Insecure Times
Ashley DawsonUnder Review: Marc Abélès, The Politics of Survival (Duke University Press, 2010) Kolya Abramsky, Sparking a Worldwide Energy Revolution: Social Struggles in the Transition to a Post-Petrol World(AK Press, 2010) Slavoj Zizek, Living in the End Times (Verso, 2010) Writing about Hollywood disaster … Continue reading “Insecure Times”
Power in Italy
Andrea CarossoThree days after the earthquake and tsunami hit Japan, as news of a possible nuclear leakage in Fukushima was capturing the headlines, the Italian secretary for the environment, Stefania Prestigiacomo, went on record announcing that, despite growing widespread concern, Italy’s … Continue reading “Power in Italy”
Anna McCarthy in conversation with Alexander Provan
Social Text CollectiveSocial Text co-editor will moderate a discussion on digital publishing with Triple Canopy editor Alexander Provan and scholar Dan Cohen at 20 Cooper Square, 5th Floor, Tuesday April 7th, 2011, at 6 PM.
Free and open to the public. No RSVP necessary. Photo ID required.
Four Questions about the Libyan Bombing Campaign
Omar DahbourWhat is the point of the bombing campaign against Libya? To answer this question, it would be nice if we could reach some certainty about what is going on in Libya itself. But this is not going to be easy, in the absence of specialist knowledge about the parties and players involved in the internal conflict. Certainly, Qaddafi, a world figure of some notoriety, seeks to maintain his power in the face of internal opposition. But who is this opposition?