Author: Cassandra Troyan

Cassandra Troyan is a writer whose work explores the terror of becoming female at the intersections of gender, historical violence, sex work, and capital. They are the author of several books and chapbooks of poetry, most recently KILL MANUAL (Artifice Books, 2014) and A Theory in Tears (ANNOTATIONS & CASES FOR FREEDOM & PROSTITUTION) (Kenning Editions, 2016). Originally from Columbus, Ohio, they currently live in southern Sweden and teach creative/critical writing practices in the Department of Design at Linnaeus University.

Authored by Cassandra Troyan

from Freedom and Prostitution

Cassandra Troyan

                          If you are a prostitute of the 21st century                                metaphors are not enough                                     delusions                                     the girl who works                                     who is she,                                always convincing                                convincing in capital You are the whore on his yacht he asks you to … Continue reading “from Freedom and Prostitution

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