Optimistic Cruelty

Lisa Duggan

  Lauren Berlant’s Cruel Optimism has the uncanny quality of illuminating for readers what we believe we already knew.  Her renderings of the affective quality of everyday life at the center of a declining US American empire, offered to us … Continue reading “Optimistic Cruelty”

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People's Alternatives

Ashley Dawson

  This is the final session in a two-day workshop organized by the Transnational Institute, a group that bills itself as “a worldwide fellowship of scholar activists.” The overarching theme of the workshop was Defying Dystopia: Struggle Against Climate Change, … Continue reading “People's Alternatives”

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New Middle Eastern Uprisings: Gender, Class and Security Politics in Iran

Manijeh Moradian

You know times have changed when the question, “Is Iran next?” no longer refers to whether Iran will be the next target in the US “war on terror,” but whether or not it will be next to succumb to a wave of revolutions. I obviously don’t have the answer but I can say that there is a profound radicalization under way in Iranian society that overruns the boundaries of class and sweeps across the continuum from religious to secular.

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